All About Books

C.S. Lewis famously said, “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” I couldn’t agree more. Below is a list of some of my favorites.

Books on Apologetics

Rather than make a list, Apologetics 315’s list of recommended reading in a range of apologetic topics is excellent and worth checking out.  You can find it by clicking here.

My list of Top 10’s (in no particular order)

This list is in no way exhaustive. But it does represent many of the books and authors who have had a profound impact on me.


  1. C.S. Lewis
  2. J.R.R. Tolkien
  3. Paul David Tripp
  4. Dorothy Sayers
  5. Elisabeth Elliot
  6. Jane Austen
  7. Louisa May Alcott
  8. Ravi Zacharias
  9. Oswald Chambers
  10. George MacDonald


  1. The Chronicles of Narnia – C.S. Lewis
  2. The Space Trilogy – C.S. Lewis
  3. Til We Have Faces – C.S. Lewis
  4. The Lord of the Rings – JRR Tolkien
  5. Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
  6. To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee
  7. Stepping Heavenward – Elisabeth Prentiss
  8. Titus: A Comrade of the Cross – Florence M. Kingsley
  9. Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries – Dorothy Sayers
  10. Dracula (random, but true)– Bam Stoker


  1. The Seven Sleepers Series – Gilbert Morris
  2. The Cooper Kids Adventure Series – Frank Peretti
  3. Anne of Green Gables Series – L.M. Montgomery
  4. The Dragon Keeper Chronicles – Donita K. Pau
  5. Adventures of the Northwoods Series – Lois Walfrid Johnson
  6. Treasures of the Snow – Patricia St. John
  7. Star of Light – Patricia St. John
  8. Little Women Trilogy – Louisa May Alcott
  9. The Braken Trilogy – Jerri Massi


  1. The Grand Weaver – Ravi Zacharias
  2. Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands – Paul David Tripp
  3. Forever: Why You Can’t Live Without It – Paul David Tripp
  4. Doubt in Perspective – Alister McGrath
  5. The Path of Loneliness – Elisabeth Elliot
  6. Beyond Opinion – Various RZIM
  7. An Experiment in Criticism – C.S. Lewis
  8. Poems – C.S. Lewis
  9. A Grief Observed – C.S. Lewis
  10. The Cross of Christ – John Stott


  1. Through Gates of Splendor – Elisabeth Elliot
  2. George Mueller: Delighted in God – Roger Steer
  3. Amazing Grace – Eric Metaxas
  4. Bonhoeffer – Eric Metaxas
  5. Evidence Not Seen – Darlene Deibler Rose
  6. Through the Shadowlands: The Love Story of C.S. Lewis & Joy Davidman – Brian Sibley
  7. And God Came In – Lyle Dorsett
  8. Faithful Women and Their Extraordinary God – Noel Piper
  9. An Ordinary Woman’s Extraordinary Faith: The Autobiography of Patricia St. John – Patricia St. John
  10. The Four Gospels  – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

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